SARA – Situational Awareness & Response Assistance
Early notification of a hazard or threat is essential in keeping our loved ones safe. Whether we are providing students and teachers a feeling of safety while technology provides real-time information about an unfolding event, or providing Seniors a safe environment with a feeling of comfort having effective communication with care, we’ve got you covered.
BY Solution is Certified to provide Status Solutions SARA & CATIE systems.
SARA is an automated alerting platform that integrates life safety, security and environmental controls, turning alarms from these stand-alone systems into detailed alerts for delivery to communication end points. Principals, teachers and other onsite personnel must receive real-time information about a possible hazard or threat, so they can initiate the appropriate response plan. With today’s smarter networks and devices, plus SARA to tie all of them together, it’s easier and more cost-effective than ever to create a safety and security bubble over a single campus or an entire district.
Given the liabilities and complexities in senior living, ignorance isn’t an option because a lack of information or disruptions in its flow can endanger lives. But trying to respond to alarms from multiple systems causes confusion, inefficiencies and distractions among staff, leading to alarm fatigue and negative impacts on resident care. SARA is an automated alerting platform that integrates existing alarm and communication systems for centralized monitoring, alerting and reporting on one powerful platform. Ensuring that critical data is collected, processed, analyzed and delivered to the right people so they can address an unfolding situation appropriately.
Click on the following links for more information. Nurse Call for Senior Living | K-12 & Higher Education | Hospitality